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Nearly Sold Out
cal Thu, August 8 - Philadelphia

Matched Speed Date Night in UCity

Meet the people who match you best at the event, on a series of mini dates, in a great atm
  • Great vibe: great location
  • A series of dates, matched to you
  • Fantastic CitySwoon hosts
  • Party mingle time after the dating
clock Duration: 2 hours ages Ages: 32-42

The Event What to expect?

You are invited to be part of CitySwoon's super fun, relaxed and organic matched dating night hosted on the Upper Terrace, a beautiful outdoor patio, at City Tap UCity.

You will go on a series of live matched mini dates for 10-12 minutes each using your phones to find one another.

Because it's mobile, everyone dates wherever they want - no name tags or table numbers - in a fantastic atmosphere.

CitySwoon's Matched Dating is run by a sophisticated patented algorithm. The success rate is higher than both online dating and speed dating, but don't let the tech fool you - this is ALL about meeting REAL people in REAL life!

Tickets are limited by venue capacity so get yours soon!

*Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.

**Please use either the elevator or the staircase to reach the Upper Terrace

Date & Location

cal Thu, August 8 - 8pm
address City Tap House UCity, The Radian, 3925 Walnut Street, Philadelphia

Other Events

Speed Dating 2.0 in Logan Square                  

Matched Speed Dating in Logan Square

  • Cost: $39, Non-Members $39
  • clockDuration: 2 hoursAges: 30-45
  • Speed Dating Events - Financial Review
  • Speed Dating Events - Timeout
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  • Single Speed Dating Feature
  • Speed Dating Record Breaking