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Which people would you like to see first?
Would you like children one day?
Finally, let's create your questions
We care deeply about how you are matched. These 2 questions are really useful for matching as we get a deeper understanding of your personality.
Your answer only needs to be a sentence long, but longer is also great.
Let's create your last question!
Choose your question:
- select below -
What is your favourite kind of holiday?
If you could pick a superpower what would it be?
What is the most important quality in a partner to you?
What is your favourite book, and why?
What is your favourite film, and why?
What is the most important character trait that a leader should possess?
What is the most daring thing that you've ever done?
What is the most embarrassing thing that you've ever done?
If someone pushes in front of you in a queue, how do you react?
What do you do?
Would you describe yourself as an optimist, realist or pessimist?
What's the first thing you would do if you were Robinson Crusoe? e.g. build a raft, look for water...
What do you do on a typical Friday night?
What are your favourite sports?
Do you like going to fancy dress parties?
What is your favourite genre of movie? e.g. romantic, action, horror etc.
What kind of music do you like the most?
Have you ever travelled around a foreign country on your own?
What do you think makes a good relationship, for you?
Do you think it would be fun to chuck it all in and sail around the world for a year?
What is important to you?
What is your relationship history?
What do you like to do when it's raining?
Do you recycle?
Have you ever taken a 'sickie' off work?
What's the length of your longest relationship?
Is there a god?
Your answer: