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Nearly Sold Out
cal Sat, February 22 - New York

Saturday Speed Dating 2.0 in Midtown

CitySwoon's Matched Dating goes to The Elgin - a new venue for us! Meet the people who mat
  • Great vibe: great location
  • A series of dates, matched to you
  • Fantastic CitySwoon hosts
  • Party mingle time after the dating
clock Duration: 2.5hours ages Ages: 34-44

The Event What to expect?

CitySwoon heads to The Elgin on a Saturday night - both a new venue and night for us! We will have the Upstairs - a beautiful private room with its own bar - reserved exclusively for this event.

This upscale cocktail bar and restaurant is named after The Elgin Botanic Garden which stood on the site of the current venue. It was owned by David Hosack - the doctor for both Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.

CitySwoon's Matched Speed Dating 2.0 is run by a sophisticated, patented algorithm. The success rate is higher than both online dating and speed dating.

You will go on a series of 6-8 live matched mini dates for 10-12 minutes each using your phone to find one another.

Because it's mobile, everyone dates wherever they want - no name tags or table numbers - in a fantastic atmosphere. It's not speed dating and it's not a singles mixer - it's the 21st Century way to meet single people FACE-TO-FACE!

Tickets are limited by venue capacity so get yours soon!

*Tickets will NOT be available at the door.

**An advance ticket and a completed CitySwoon profile are required to participate.

Date & Location

cal Sat, February 22 - 8pm
address The Elgin, 64 W 48th Street, New York
  • Speed Dating Events - Financial Review
  • Speed Dating Events - Timeout
  • Singles Parties with CitySwoon featured in Cosmopolitan
  • Virtual Speed Dating - CBS
  • Single Speed Dating Feature
  • Speed Dating Record Breaking