In the Media
We have been lucky enough to have a lot of positive press attention. Here are some of the articles:

How economic theory – and meeting in bars – is changing online dating

Cityswoon combines the power of computers to crunch data with old-school face-to-face meetings. Louie Douvis
By Misa Han.
What do economic theories such as the Nash equilibrium and the optimal stopping problem have to do with finding love? The answer might help explain why single men and women are turning their backs on internet matchmaking services in favour of face-to-face dating events. Read the full article here
What do economic theories such as the Nash equilibrium and the optimal stopping problem have to do with finding love? The answer might help explain why single men and women are turning their backs on internet matchmaking services in favour of face-to-face dating events. Read the full article here

By Katrina Stokes.
"The dating scene is difficult; the pool of fish is smaller and the people are more reserved. But the buzz that night at Bank Street Social tells me change is afoot, a movement towards a more genuine way of finding love.
And thankfully, there’s a not a swiping finger in sight."
Read full article here
"The dating scene is difficult; the pool of fish is smaller and the people are more reserved. But the buzz that night at Bank Street Social tells me change is afoot, a movement towards a more genuine way of finding love.
And thankfully, there’s a not a swiping finger in sight."
Read full article here

By Amber Brooks.
"Adventure Dating Brings Excitement Back to Courtship
With so much drudgery involved in online dating — from messaging to setting up dates — singles can quickly grow tired of the scene. That's why CitySwoon created adventure dating...". See full article.
"Adventure Dating Brings Excitement Back to Courtship
With so much drudgery involved in online dating — from messaging to setting up dates — singles can quickly grow tired of the scene. That's why CitySwoon created adventure dating...". See full article.

Louise O’Connor and Brett Couston launched their company Cityswoon in the most ambitious way – by breaking the Guinness World Record for the biggest blind date. Now, Cityswoon employs a network of a dozen hosts around the country and they run events from 30 people in a small bar like Papa Gede’s, Since I Left You and Button Bar – and up to a hundred people in larger venues.
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