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The Magical Algorithm

Imagine this: You go out to a local singles bar, and you have a 90% chance of meeting someone, where you both feel the chemistry, and want to see each other again. That's what happens on average to every person at every CitySwoon singles event.

Which means, you could stay home in your slippers, or you could get out there and meet that person who makes your heart race faster!

Over half a million people have come to a CitySwoon event, and that's because they are amazing! CitySwoon is the most successful dating site, in terms of match outcomes, and we want to share the stats with you.

Click to see more on why CitySwoon is the most successful way to date.

How am I matched?

The patented algorithm uses everything that you enter into your profile, your personality, values, and interests. It's like having Cupid as your personal dating assistant.

But it doesn't just set you up with some rando and call it a day. CitySwoon takes it to the next level. You see, after each date, you give live feedback. And guess what? They use that info to tweak your matches on the very same night. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure novel, but with actual humans. And the stats don't lie: a staggering 95% of peeps meet someone they're attracted to, and 90% score at least one 5-star mutual match.

After each date and event that you attend, CitySwoon tunes into your tastes more, improving your dates each time. This information also feeds into your online profile, improving your online matches as well.

So ditch the humdrum world of traditional speed dating and see who it chooses for you!