CitySwoon Blog

Face to Face. Real People. Real life.

The Dating Red Flags You Need To Know About

By Rachel Russo Sometimes, it really feels like the modern day dating scene is a battlefield! In order to improve your confidence and chances of getting into (or staying in) a successful relationship-and protect your time, energy, and emotions-it is crucial to identify early red flags in dating. You might be wondering: What is a […]

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The Blind Date Scaries: Tips From a Top Matchmaker

First Date

Are Blind Dates Terrifying? Some people are terrified of blind dating and will not entertain the idea of ever going on one. As a matchmaker, I come across a lot of people who don’t necessarily feel comfortable with the idea of not seeing a picture of their match prior to the date. They know who […]

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Cityswoon: Why We Rely on Dating Feedback from Real Meetings

Date Night

There is something very wrong with the way online dating works. We know that, and we think you’re starting to understand that too. Online dating is today an accepted mainstream way to meet someone, but that doesn’t say much for 21st century dating. We increasingly throw ourselves at the mercy of computers, outsourcing our love […]

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Cityswoon: The Benefits of Matched Speed Dating Over Traditional Speed Dating

Matched Speed Dating

Whether you’ve been in a relationship for years or you’re yet to meet that ‘special someone’, you’ve likely heard of speed dating. A formalised dating system encouraging people to meet new people, speed dating involves an event for single people to meet other singles in a casual atmosphere, to spark quick conversation and hopefully a […]

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Beyond ‘Be Yourself’: 12 Useful Dating Tips for Guys

12 Useful Dating Tips for Guys

Are pick up lines a no-go? Can I wear my lucky ripped jeans? What should we talk about? On a first date, every moment is an opportunity to make or break her first impression of you. So whether you consider yourself a regular Casanova, or a total dating novice who’s prone to faux pas – […]

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7 Reasons why Face-to-Face is Better than Online Dating

Date Night

The way the average person finds love today has dramatically changed thanks to the digital world we find ourselves in. While once you would have found dates by scanning a room or taking up a new hobby, today, you merely swipe left or type in a few words and you’re on the path to eternal […]

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Why Face-to-Face is the Best way to Meet Your Date

Dating face to face to get the spark

Most communication is done non-verbally.  According to Wikipedia, research indicates up to 60% – 70% of our communication is done via body language, non verbally. Think about that and let it sink in, it’s amazing! Yet, today we are confronted with an ever increasing technology that is changing the way we first meet people. Implications […]

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Founder Story: Secrets of a Professional Matchmaker

Opera House Blind Date Couple co-founder and matchmaker Louise O’Connor combined her web coding skills with her knack for matching up single friends on amazing real dates, to create a dating site with a difference. Louise O’Connor loves to get singles together. It all started when she set up two of her university friends, and they ended up married. […]

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BREAKING NEWS: Brand new Aussie GUINNESS WORLD RECORD attempt for biggest blind date

World's Biggest Blind Date Certificate

NEWS!: FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE BY CITYSWOON.COM Love was most certainly in the air, Friday night on Sydney Harbour, as 712 singles opened their hearts and tried their luck with a match-made date at the Opera House, smashing the world record of Biggest Blind Date and looking to set a brand new […]

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Top Tips for a First Date

Couple Dating - train

So you’re looking to meet single people? Then you’d better get ready for impending dates. If you’re new to the dating scene – or haven’t done it for a while – don’t worry. We all know dating can be scary, unnerving and even overwhelming, but it can also be exhilarating. Here are our top tips for […]

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