Dating Rules for 2022
By CitySwooner | February 11th, 2022

It’s a new year and it’s time to put your best foot forward. Make the most of 2022 by staying focused, thinking about how you can improve your dating life this year, and getting out of your comfort zone. With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, it’s a good season to hone in and freshen up on some new and familiar dating rules.
1. Date People That Are Interested In You
After the past couple of years, we have all learned a lot about who we are, what we’re actually looking for, and what we bring to the table. Whether it’s a friendship or a potential relationship, it’s time to spend our time and energy on those who show interest in us, appreciate who we are and reciprocate.
Focusing on someone that likes you will boost your confidence and allow you to be your best self while the opposite drains your energy and makes you feel down.
Life is simply too short to waste efforts on people who do not see or value your worth. Make your efforts and time count this year!
2. Be Polite and Respectful
This goes without saying but it’s always imperative to be a gentleman or lady by following the golden rule. Being mean can ruin someone else’s day or night so why not just be nice? You wouldn’t want a date to say something rude to you, do you?
Even if you are not interested in the other person, be a good listener and try to steer the conversation towards a topic you may both connect on. People are looking to socialize with others this year so keep that in mind too. At the very least, you may share a laugh or perhaps make a new friend.
The dating scene can be small even in a big city so a rude remark or action could negatively affect your future prospects.
3. Respect Other People’s Boundaries
Whether a person just got out of a relationship or has concerns about the pandemic, it’s essential to respect what boundaries they have set. Don’t try to push them or make them get into situations that make them uncomfortable. That will just push them away and probably alienate them. Once the other person gets to know you better, they will open up more. Just take things slow and at their pace and comfort level.

4. Be Patient and Understanding
We have all gone through a lot this past couple of years. Some more than others.
While dating, be patient and understanding with others they may be dealing with job loss, stress at work or in their personal life, not having been able to see family & friends for ages, or dealing with the loss of a loved one or friend.
Some people are taking dating slowly so be mindful and respectful of that.

5. Know Your Alcohol Limit
It’s nice to go out for drinks on a date or enjoy a couple for a night out but it’s important to know your limit. You don’t want to make the wrong impression on a date or at an event. Pace yourself and drink water between drinks.
If you prefer, alcohol-free spirits and mocktails are becoming more popular and are a nice alternative to alcohol.
6. Be Genuine
In 2022, be you and let others know who you are and what you are looking for. Be open-minded and ready to get out there.
Don’t lead others on if you’re not interested, don’t lie about your age or height, and use recent profile pictures on dating apps/websites.
People want to get to know the real you and you want to be surrounded by like-minded people who share similar interests and hobbies.
7. Edit Your Checklist
Many of us have dating checklists and perhaps these grew during these interesting times. This year, take a look at your list and see if there are any “nice to haves” that could be taken off your list. Safe to say, no one will fit all the boxes and you may be missing out on an awesome person that may not meet a few of the criteria that you have outlined.
Stop chasing absolute perfection and appreciate people for who they are. As much as we may want it to be at times, life is not a movie or TV show. Otherwise, you may get stuck in the same dating patterns.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I wish you much luck and love in 2022!
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