CitySwoon Blog

Face to Face. Real People. Real life.

New Australian technology powers the ‘Adventure Dating’ revolution

Sydney (Aug, 2016) – Speed dating will never be the same again thanks to a new disruptive technology by CitySwoon that’s changing the game for Australian singles.

CitySwoon uses a patented advanced algorithm to match compatible singles in real-time during events.

CitySwoon daters attending speed dating events at multiple nearby locations are notified when their current encounter is up and where to proceed to meet their next ‘matched’ date via a smartphone app that acts as their ‘digital wingman’.

This has led to a new adventure-style approach to traditional speed dating that frees singles from the typical confines of speed dating in favour of multi-location events that create a much more exciting sense of discovery.

“We remove the dull formula of traditional speed dating, and turn it into a fun night out meeting new like-minded people, that we call Adventure Dating” says CitySwoon CEO, Brett Couston.

“Our participants can arrange themselves anywhere they like – they are not stuck to chairs in a single room all night. It’s a much more comfortable, relaxed and natural way to meet.”

And user privacy is another key benefit of CitySwoon’s patented technology: “Our technology also offers total control of user privacy, allowing participants to choose when they want to disclose their personal details,” explains Mr Couston.

CitySwoon is all about meeting only the people you’re most compatible with, in a fun environment at your city’s best small bars and venues,” he says. “Adventure dating is much more in line with the fast-paced lifestyle of today’s singles.”


CitySwoon is an Australian-owned company specialising in integrated online and face-to-face dating. Established in 2012, it services Australia’s four largest cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Perth – with a top-of-the-line dating algorithm and a push for face-to-face matched speed dating and Adventure Dating.